Today Search Engine Optimization is more than adding a lot of keywords to your website. Classic SEO is still important as a baseline to improve your rankings, but with the trend to agglomerate results and Google’s smart result boxes we need to rethink SEO.

Increasing your visibility on search engines isn't as straight-forward as a few years ago, - and still, with a few tweaks, you can improve your ranking. Our SEO strategy recommendations include optimizations for multiple engines we base on buyer personae so you know – and not guess – where your audience is searching for your business online.

Before we start with SEO we will always do a full analysis of the status quo and figure out where you are already strong and where you can improve your SEO efforts. Based on this analysis we will recommend different techniques, ranging from short term, quick-win methods to long-term strategic improvements for the different search engines.


No SEO strategy can ignore the number one search engine. To increase your rankings on Google, we will help you find long-tail keywords for which you can optimize content, we will help you to be present on the right directories so that you can be found in Google’s smart results and we will support you to be present in Google local queries.

Optimizing for Google search results includes optimizing your page structure, your content as well as link building and profile completion on different platforms. Depending on your business needs, we will help you become the number one reference outside of the result page ranking, through the inclusion in Wikipedia, the imdb or other third-party sources influencing Google’s results.


YouTube is currently the second-largest search engine in the world. Your younger audience doesn’t even bother anymore to “google” - instead they go straight to YouTube.

We can help you make the most out of YouTube, create the right content and link back to your services and products. Depending on your core audience, it will be more important to have a strong YouTube presence than to be the number one result on Google, and our strategic recommendations will get your SEO efforts streamlined to suit your needs and business goals.


With the introduction of the new search feature on Facebook, it will become increasingly important to have high quality content on Facebook to be found independently of the content published on your website. Optimizing for the Facebook search demands to choose your OpenGraph tags wisely and have an interesting and keyword-rich link and photo description. Optimizing for the Facebook search overlaps with our social media solutions and it shows just how integrated the web is.

Showcase client

Client: q-leap
Project: Search engine and converstion optimization at for Luxembourg's top software quality experts.